Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prepare, Prepare and Repeat.

Hi guys! So, I just got back from a fun (busy) day with my kids and realized it was my day to post. So...I'm reposting a post from last year when me and my critique buddies went to WIFYR (because we are going again next Monday! Woo hoo! And someone forgot to I must prepare myself of an awesome week of writing.) Here is my advice on what you should pack and new notes (in blue) for what is happening this year)! Have a great week everyone. =)

Today, an abundance of people (including myself) shall be at our first writer’s conference of the year (actually my second this year).

Am I excited?
Oh, so much!

I have been packing my backpack for weeks ('s one day) with the essential must haves:

-M&Ms (because I have a noisy stomach and really, no one wants to be startled by that thing!) (still very true, but I need to pack more than one bag, because I ate those things in one day...maybe I'll bring those new pretzel M&Ms. They are so good.)

-Pencils (even a pen, because I have broken a pencil a time or two and writing with plain wood just doesn’t work well. I did try to chew off the wood, but I had wood shavings stuck in my teeth for a week!)

-Paper (To write on… and make spit wads to launch at people who are making me jealous). (j/k I would never do that, and that incident in New York last year - Not me.) (I've still never been to New York, so you can't blame me. Although, I'd love to visit the Big Apple...I'll leave my spit wads home.)

-Tissue (For crying into because I’m still revising my book and want to show it off). (LOL! I'm revising a different book. How funny! Will I ever be done?)

-Crackers (Please see MnM’s above).

-Notebook (At the conference last year I brought home piles and piles of notes! I expect the same today). (Still the same. Love those notes!)

-Deodorant (this one is pretty self explanatory).

-Couple of chocolate bars (because chocolate is the magical food made by tiny magical creatures from a magical land *sigh * and it’s so, so good!)

-A little extra coinage (for silly things like, food, bottled water, gas – stuff like that).

-Antacid (There is a funny story behind this, I promise, but just not enough time to disclose. So sorry, and if you’ve heard the story * head hung low * you have my deepest sympathies). (I totally forgot about that story! It was so funny! I can't stop laughing...remind me to fill you in later.)

So there you have it! My list of stuff that I am at this very moment (next week) dragging through the halls with other devoted writers, breathing in the fumes of excitement and hope. If you see me, feel free to ask for a handful of M&M’s, hopefully I haven’t eaten them all yet (yeah, I did...sorry about that), but it is very possible that I still have a few good sheets of paper left for spit wads.


Angie said...

Hope you have a fabulous time!

Rachel said...

lol love it :) And, I've been trying to figure out how to email you but IT'S NOT WORKING :) I can't do it through your blog for some reason... :) Any ideas??? Have fun!!

Vicki Rocho said...

Have a great time. Looking forward to your debriefing afterward!

I haven't been to NYC either...though I'm going in 112 days...but who's counting?

Amber Lynae said...

I had never heard of WIFYR before. I just looked it up. It looks like a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to next week. We'll all have a good time (when don't we when we all get together?) and learn wonderful new things!

Mary E Campbell said...

Thanks for all the advice. You listed things I'd never thought of. Yay it's coming soon.