Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Texting Through Time: A Trek with Brigham Young

Time Travel is a great way to meet a Prophet...unless you get stuck in the past.

Christy Monson and I met at a writer's conference a few years ago, and we formed a tight little critique group with another friend. The focus of our group was picture books, and so I didn't get to preview this book, but I shared her excitement when it was accepted for publication. The book has been out for a few weeks now and is jumping off the shelves. I'm delighted to review it.

Time Travel is always a fascinating journey. A book that can combine adventure with history is sure to be a hit. Seeing the prophet, Brigham Young, through the eyes of a child as though it were happening right now is a lot of fun.

Alicia and Micah are just like your kids. Curious and at times a little contrary. When their dad's experimental phone malfunctions and they get stuck in the past, they want to go home. It takes time for them to get humble enough to pray for help and in the meantime they have a a few adventures with Brigham Young.

You won't want to miss this fun romp through the past. Pick one up to share with the kids you love.

Texting keeps us in touch, but cell phones keep changing. Who knows what's next. Before you know it we may be TEXTING THROUGH TIME.

Where would you like to go? Choose carefully. You could get stuck in the past.

Linda Garner

1 comment:

Christy Monson said...

Thanks, Linda. You're Awesome!!! Just got a book contract for John Taylor today. I'm excited! Christy