Thursday, December 8, 2011

Where have you been? I mean...really.

Well, to be completely true. I've been in a few places.

I finished my edits (Yay! Now I can totally eat those cookies that were off limits until I finished. They are so stale.)

And then I was asked to write a Christmas Program for our congregation's Christmas Party (in 3 days). It was a little stressful. (I had to buy more cookies so I could keep up my writing-energy.) But great reviews (which made my week...month). ;)

Now I am finishing my revisions. (Stinkin' Revisions that I wanted done last month. RRRGGHH.)

But to be totally honest. I've been a little down about the writing.

One of my crit groups had scheduling issues and we had to split (I loved them, they were so awesome), my mind has been on shopping ('tis the season for last minute ideas), and my writing shoes have grown too small for comfort (never wash writing shoes in hot water...had I known...).

So I've been a little down and when I'm down, it's hard to write...or blog...or clean...or eat cookies  (ha ha ha, that's never hard.)

But I'm shaking off the blues, rewriting my goals, and trying again. *head shaking in determination*

But be honest with me. What do you do when you are down about writing? Eat cookies (be honest, you know they are delicious...and if you try hard enough, you can wish away the calories *wishfully looking up at sky*), run on treadmill, yell at strangers from your car window?   (was that you?)

So, tell the truth, what do you do?

p.s. I'm so glad to be back. I missed you guys!!!!!

1 comment:

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Congrats on finishing your edits. When I'm feeling down about my writing I will do a number of things including eat chocolate, write something else entirely (like a short story or something frivolous), or I take a break.