Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Now Where Can I Find Some Snow to Shovel?

My husband likes shoveling snow, especially when it is fresh.  I am not allowed to drive on fresh snow in the driveway as it packs the snow down, making it difficult to shovel.

I have only recently learned to shovel snow.  When the children were young, my husband did all of the shoveling and I made the hot chocolate.  Someone had to entertain the kids.  I didn’t know what I was missing.
With diabetes, I need daily exercise.  It’s difficult for me to motivate myself to get out and walk on cold winter mornings.  Last winter, I was struggling to keep my blood sugar under control, and decided to try snow shoveling.  Surprisingly, I didn’t mind it, and I found that it lowered my blood sugar.
This winter, I asked hubby to buy an extra shovel, so I could join the fun. 
My husband loves to serve, and he never stops with our shoveling.  He has a list of people that he likes to shovel for.  It is fun to accompany him on his errand.  I get my exercise and we enjoy our time together.   It’s a nice way to start the day.  It makes us feel good.
Shoveling snow produces endorphins—those “feel good” hormones that we crave.  Shoveling for others produces a double dose, because serving also makes us feel good.
What is it about serving that makes us happy?

I remember a busy morning when everything was humming.  All were busily engaged except one small child who kept getting underfoot.  Not only was he underfoot, but he was crabby. 

I didn’t know what was bugging him, at first.  I tried ignoring his whining.  That didn’t work, so I tried to coax him into a good mood.  Finally, I realized what was wrong.  I hadn’t given him a chore to do.  Everyone had a job to do but him.  He felt left out and unimportant. 

I gave that child a task to do, and he cheered right up. 
We all need to serve.  We need to contribute to a better world, a better neighborhood, a better home.  Serving brings rich rewards.  We feel needed.  We feel important.  We feel useful.  Everyone needs to make a difference.

Now where can I find some snow to shovel?
Linda Garner

1 comment:

Bethany Elizabeth said...

So right! It's easy to feel useless and left out without something useful to do. :) Serving others is a great way to start the day, and shoveling snow sounds like a fun way to do it!