Friday, October 24, 2014

Solution Focused Discussion

There have been times I've been guilty of blaming and lecturing my kids. If we are truthful, we've probably all been down this road. Is there a better way to handle the situation?

The answer is yes. For me, I have to take a little time out and calm myself down before I take care of the problem. While I'm 'timing myself out,' I remember to ask myself the following question:

What do I want my child to learn from this?

*An angry lecture tells the child he is at fault and worthless.
*A calm lecture tell the child he is at fault and the adult is in charge.
*Doling out the consequences tells the child he is at fault and the adult is in charge.
*A discussion tells the child he is of value and can get away with whatever he wants.
*A solution-focused discussion tells the child he is of value. He can solve problems and direct his own life.

Read more about this subject in Family Talk, by Christy Monson

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