Monday, January 16, 2012


We traditionally set goals this time of year. Sometimes I rebel against doing it, but I know that what I think about and plan, I become. All of us participate in goal setting whether on a conscious or subconscious level. 
We are shaped by our thoughts. We become what we think. Buddha 
Even if I never set goals, I still invite things into my life by my thoughts.  So I do set goals and have a plan because I don't want my life to be run by default.
One of the things I struggle with is consistency. I can start out with really good intentions and then forget about them after a few weeks. All it takes is for me to have to get a lesson or meeting ready and before I know it, I've thrown my whole energy into that project and forgotten all about my other goals. Summer is also a very bad time for me to be consistent. With kids and family, everything goes out the window for a few months.
So one thing I know about myself is that I won't be consistent all the time, and I now I set a time of reestablishing my goals once a month just to check to see if I got off the track. I ALWAYS have to recommit myself in September after everyone is back in school. 
Be flexible in goal setting. Be willing to change your goals over time. (You may not have to be, but I do.
Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity. Lois Pasteur
            So here’s to flexibility, change and tenacity in your goal-setting!
            Share your ideas with me. I’d love suggestions as to what works for you.